(1985 - )

Artist and vitki from Norway.
Concerned with maps, ritual, atemporality, Kairos over Kronos, postnarrative society, fractals (in nature, culture or otherwise), recursiveness, public consciousness, initiation, exorcism, machine learning, and the ideas of the sacred, the liminal, and the negated. Agnostic mystic, (unaffiliated) hermetic kopimist, transcendental apophaticist, Spin Doctor, Ba'al Sham, Open Sourceror, Root Accessory, Exec. Sh.Mgt, Guerilla Ontologist. Registered member of no less than 33 granfalloons.
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Concerned with maps, ritual, atemporality, Kairos over Kronos, postnarrative society, fractals (in nature, culture or otherwise), recursiveness, public consciousness, initiation, exorcism, machine learning, and the ideas of the sacred, the liminal, and the negated. Agnostic mystic, (unaffiliated) hermetic kopimist, transcendental apophaticist, Spin Doctor, Ba'al Sham, Open Sourceror, Root Accessory, Exec. Sh.Mgt, Guerilla Ontologist. Registered member of no less than 33 granfalloons.
For a more sensible Curriculum Vitae, click here